- About
- Objectives
- Composition of the IQAC
- Functions
- Feedback Mechanism
- Minutes of the Meetings
- Committees
- About
In compliance with the requirements of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Jagran Institute of Management (JIM) established an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). Recognizing that quality enhancement is an ongoing process, the IQAC will be integrated into the institution’s framework, striving to achieve the goals of continuous quality improvement and sustainability. The primary role of the IQAC is to develop a systematic approach for deliberate, consistent, and catalytic enhancement of JIM, Kanpur’s overall performance.
2. Objectives
To establish a system for deliberate, consistent, and catalytic action aimed at improving the institution’s academic and administrative performance
To promote initiatives that enhance institutional functioning through the internalization of a quality culture and the institutionalization of best practices.
3. IQAC Members
4. Functions
· Develop and apply quality benchmarks and parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
· Facilitate the creation of a learner-centric environment that supports quality education and promotes faculty development to adopt the necessary knowledge and technology for a participatory teaching and learning process.
· Arrange for feedback from students, parents, and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes.
· Disseminate information on various quality parameters in higher education to faculty & Students.
· Foster the development of a Quality Culture within the institution.
5. Feedback
Feedback system followed in our institution helps in enhancing continuous improvement by gathering input from students, faculty, and administration. It promotes transparency and helps us to identify areas for improvement, ensuring better teaching quality and curriculum relevance. This fosters a culture of excellence and informed decision-making.
1. Stakeholder Feedback Collection:
Students: Regular feedback from students on curriculum, teaching methods, library resources, and overall academic experience.
Faculty: Faculty feedback on institutional support, research facilities, and teaching resources.
Alumni: Feedback from alumni regarding their educational experience and how well it prepared them for their careers.
Parents: Collect feedback from parents on their satisfaction with the institution’s services, communication, and their child’s progress.
Employers: Feedback from employers who hire graduates from the institution, focusing on the skills and preparedness of the graduates.
Visitors: Feedback from Visitors encourages visitors to provide a comprehensive and concise summary of their experience.
2. Process and Implementation:
1. Action Plans: Develop action plans based on feedback to address identified issues and improve institutional quality.
2. Communicate: Inform stakeholders about the actions taken in response to their feedback, showing that their input is valued and impactful.
3. Follow-up: Continuously monitor the effectiveness of implemented changes and gather additional feedback to ensure continuous improvement.
6. Minutes of the Meetings
IQAC meetings are essential for maintaining and enhancing the quality of education and institutional processes. These meetings facilitate continuous assessment, planning, and implementation of quality initiatives, ensuring that the institute adheres to the highest standards of academic and administrative excellence.
Minutes of the Meetings 2022-2023
Minutes of the Meetings 2023-2024
7. Committees